Frequently Asked Questions
Where can I buy cleaner Clip products?
Cleaner Clip can be purchased on our website or in your local swimming pool supply store.
Will Cleaner Clip fit on all automatic pool cleaners?
Cleaner Clip is designed for automated pool cleaners with 1 inch hoses.
What colors are available?
Cleaner Clips come in both Black and White coloring.
How large a pool will one bag of clips cover?
One bag of 10 clips should be used for about every 20 feet of cleaner hose.
How many clips come in a bag?
Cleaner Clip sells ten clips in one bag. This is what the average pool most likely needs. Larger sized pools may need more and smaller sized may need less.
What to do if my cleaner still gets tangled?
There is no reason we could think of why cleaner clip would not work for you. If you still have tangling issues:
- First make sure your pool cleaner is installed correctly (according to the guidelines from the manufacturer)
- Next try adjusting the positions of the clips
- Remember every pool is unique with its own shape and placement of the wall fittings. If the wall fitting is near the top of the water line try moving the clips and floats away from the wall.
- Also consider checking out the pool cleaner itself to make sure the wheels, jets and other parts are in the proper settings, most pool cleaners can be slowed down by adjusting the setting.
- Finally consider adding more clips, 10 clips are recommended for every 20 feet of hose.